1. Fresh Mill wheat berries you will have nutrients that you’ve never had before
    And a grain mill is quite inexpensive compared to your health check out the benefits of freshly milled grains

  2. I’ve made it 3 times and it won’t really rise. Even bought new yeast after the first time. It isn’t stretchy either. Help. What am I doing wrong?

  3. Jesus Christ died on the Cross for us all, He is here for us, but if we choose to deny Him and accept sin, He will deny us.

  4. Flour yeast water mix . They stand for two or three hour at room temp. The put in loaf pan and bake at 375 degrees for and half hours. It should be done . Homemade bread s actually easy if you got the time .

  5. My nonno used to make fresh bread a few times a month in his bread machine. I loved it so much, and its unmatched by any other bread. I miss it

  6. homemade sammy bread is the best though i gotta say mine tends to squish when i cut it so i end up just eating it smothered in butter in chunks.

  7. No idea ! The inconsistency of the bread will be huge by not weighing the ingredients ! Every baker knows this and you sir are unbelievably shocking at what you do ! Anyone that takes ANY notice of what you say deserves that crappy thing you describe as bread ! Give it a miss !

  8. Someone may have said this..he used active but said instant..these are 2 different things so just be careful. Active needs to proof and instant/rapid rise doesnt.

  9. My mom’s been making us homemade bread my entire life now, and it’s always so good! The smell drafting through the house is immaculate🤤 I’ve been learning how from her as well

  10. By the way, there’s nothing wrong with being compared to Gomez Adams, Morticia adores him and she’s stunning!

  11. you don’t need the sugar. Better do way less yeast and let it rest longer. you will only need four ingredients: flower, yeast little bit of salt, and water.

  12. So half the video is different than what he did and we were too lazy to reshoot and give the correct instructions? Why is this a channel?

  13. Failed two times with another recipe, tried yours (slayed 1 attempt) 🎉🎉🎉🎉 and all the others are 2 loafs. All I needed was 1. WHAT WHAT!!

  14. Will anything in the recipe change, if I use complete or ½ wholemeal flour? Not a big fan of plain, white bread.

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