Grandma's 31 Oddly Useful Food Hacks You'll Wish You Knew Sooner
Grandma’s 31 Oddly Useful Food Hacks You’ll Wish You Knew Sooner
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Who else remembers home made biscuits that completely melted in your mouth.
I chop and change, sometimes adding mustard, or garlic or tomato or chilli to my mac n cheese. 😋
Who declared a hack was a good thing. Or person? Dippity do s
I’ve heard the word umami one time to many.
Thanks for the info hacks, very interesting!
Has anyone here tried the 🧊 🍔 hack? I feel like it would take away flavor.
The ice cube in a hamburger one, I’m doubtful. That’s just melted water that turns into steam and evaporates into the air. Fat is what makes burgers juicy. Maybe put a pat of frozen butter in there instead?
Mayonnaise makes everything taste better. 🤣
Wow…baking soda!
2:49 The video you are showing with flour being stirred into melted butter is not the one you want to use. Grating butter is using cold butter.
Ima tell you why putting mayo in eggs will do nothing and is redundant af: mayo IS egg yolks and oil
Grandma should be whooped for this one
Grandma had tips, not "hacks," which are means to break into computers.
I tried the baking powder in my flour for air fryer chicken, along with mixing some mayo in the egg and it came out so crispy
Do you need to help with your baking soda? Add baking soda.
The problem with aquafaba is that you can never time it with when you want to eat a can of beans… unles, of course, you want to just throw the beans out, which I could do since I don’t eat beans, but then the aquafaba would be too expensive.
There are some very good tips here. Whipping canned Chick pea liquid for an egg whites substitute blew me away. Wow. Good stuff
or use brown mustard much better
For an extra creamy pudding, use 1 cup heavy whipping cream and 1 cup milk. Delicious.
Grandma was crazy, so…
alternate title: mayo is more useful than you think 😁
My grandmother never did any of this crap. Soy sauce in chocolate! Blasphemer!
Next time you make a grilled sandwich, use mayo instead of butter. Yum!
These food hacks are brilliant! Grandma always knows the best tricks. Can’t wait to try them out in my kitchen!
Outside of a handful of these ‘hacks’ (god I hate that word) I guess I’m a grandma! I know almost all of these simply from learning to cook back in the 60’s and 70’s.
I hate mayonnaise. If you put mayonnaise in my eggs I’ll never trust you again.
I like mustard. But if you put mustard in my mac n cheese…ill never trust you again
I was taught to rub my hands with lots of salt after cutting onions,wipe it off then wash hands, 50+years ago. It will work for peppers also. It absorbs it.
Yes! The sugar works beautifully
Nooo. You need to use food grade silica packets.
Sweet pickle juice not dill.
I use milk in my eggs and they are fluffy an huge an big. You just don’t stir them to beat them up to small scramble eggs.
Anyone from Australia watching this, when making mush potatoes, add a teaspoon of Vegemite to it and mix it in
Great hacks, thanks,😊
So not being a smart a$$- re “cover lasagna with foil”… isn’t that the normal way to bake/cook lasagna?
I mean I guess not since it’s a “tip”… but I’m genuinely curious if most ppl don’t cover it at all? I always thought covering baking foods with foil is essential to prevent dish from drying out.
For many many decades we women were taught to add a teaspoon of milk to the eggs before whisking for scrambled eggs or omelets. That makes them fluffy.
Sorry but our Grits do not look like that 😮
The only woman that can SCRATCH for me anytime, GRANDMA 🙏🏾
Soybean oil (mayo), soy sauce, vodka, corn flakes, etc. Not the healthiest choices. Get away from the oils and soy.
Notice grandma never said to add raisins to the potato 🥔 salad 🥗 🍇
Great video!!! Thanks!!! Does the ice cube on a burger ONLY work on a grill? Would it work in / on a fry pan?
holy crap the lasanga girl need a hair net….the kind they use on deadliest catch
Pickle juice is great on a roast or in stew too!
Use Irn Bru instead of water in home made bread (in bread maker) Comes out very light and lovely flavour.
I promise you this will work. Next time you get a burn don’t run water over it immediately soak the burn with milk. The fat in the milk will take on the heat instead of water burning your skin more. It will also heal a lot quicker
Put dill weed into mac and cheese, especially if you’re using cheddar or something similar
I usually use dill pickles in my mac and potatoe salads so i add pickle juice to my mayo
Can you just keep ginger in the freezer?
I put parmesan on my scrambled eggs and fried eggs while they are in the pan,not quite finished cooking. Im not an egg fan so the parmesan helps.
Some milk works for me on that first tip about eggs
Keep a few marshmallows in your brown sugar container. No more rock hard brown sugar!