My Best Life Advice For You | What 83 Years Of Living Has Taught Me | Life Over 60

My Best Life Advice For You | What 83 Years Of Living Has Taught Me | Life Over 60

My Best motivational advice to my granddaughter for her and you and what my 83 years of living has taught me. Mature women have so much to give to the next generation of young women.


Welcome! I am 83 years young and never have had any cosmetic procedures, surgery, fillers or Botox. I film with one light, no filters and no fancy camera, just on my iPhone. I am a no frills and no pretense kind of woman.

My lifetime career has been in television, film and the theatre, so what better platform to share my lifetime of experiences with others than Youtube and my blog, I would love to have you come along with me on this exiting pro-aging journey!
✔️My thoughts on aging video:

✔️How I Cope With Getting Older.:


Parisian Look:

White Shirts:

Sequins and Jeans:

Vintage Fashion:



Creme: Chanel Le Lift
Foundation: Chanel No 1
Lipstick: Trinny of London – Lady J
Brows: L’Oreal Blond
Eyes: Scintillance by Chanel
Lashes: Essence Princess
Blush: Trinny Of London – Lady J
Fragrance Chanel N 5


✔️Music: Epidemic Sound

✔️Avon Brochure:

❤️All comments will be appreciated and answered. Have a great day and thanks for watching.

Watch my other videos:


Find me here:
FACEBOOK: SandraHart@lifeoversixty
POSHMARK: @screenactor
TWITTER: @sandrashart
INSTAGRAM: @sandrashart
❤️. FYI I am lucky enough to get some beauty samples that are sent as press samples. Most of the products I review are purchased by me. Compensation of any kind is never accepted in exchange for a positive review. All opinions are 100% mine.

✔️I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Affiliate program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for me to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Part of all proceeds no matter how small is donated to The Brain and Behavior Research Foundation, a nonprofit [501(c)(3)] organization that focuses on mental health research. Read about my son, Emerson and I below.


Sandra Hart Books

Finding Happiness For Yourself: Nobody Really Cares If You Are Miserable

Behind The Magic Mirror

Places Within My Hart

Read Between My Lines

Barking For Biscuits ebook
Tonic Music
Cigarettes And Gasoline:
Beauty In Disrepair:

Equipment: iPhone 7 plus
Tripod: Zeadio Smartphone Holder
Tripod: Digient
Hands free camera: Amazon Echo Look
Microphone: Shure Plus Motiv
Wanson Led video light


  1. My advice myself;
    1) Release all your resentment and anger and criticism or victim mindset
    2) let others be themselves don’t try to change anyo.
    3) take care of yourself and walk or workout everyday.
    4) peace in mind trust god and ask every single day ❤

  2. Stay away from people who are not well intended towards you, wven if you ahve to be on your own. Dont waste ypur time on peolle who do not support you

  3. Hey stranger 😊, hope you are doing great, I want to shear some lessons I learned in 18th years old I lived away from my family for the half of my life almost it’s long story to shear but I’ve been in 10 different countries in my life and I’ve met many different people with different backgrounds and different cultures me as a Muslim I would love to know about every religion in this world because I do believe that each one of us has his own believes,beliefs I love to live every single moment of life and I appreciate everything that was created in a very complex, beautiful and full of secrets. Let us agree that there is one God and we do not specify who He is, but we must know that our lives are like a completely blank canvas when we are born and with the passage of time you draw and blossom it in beautiful colors and wonderful moments with family or friends. Let me tell you one thing. If you have the complete ability to create your reality, why don’t you choose positivity in everything? I have a lot to say, but I will stop here and I want to mention seven things that I want to tell my grandchildren in the future.
    -1 Never stop trying in every aspect of your life.
    -2 Always be positive with yourself and it will open the depths of your soul and you will enjoy every corner of it.
    -3 Your parents or the people you know have nothing to do with your fate. Don’t blame any of them.
    -4 When you wake up in the morning, do not act as if you know everything that will happen in your new day. The world is full of surprises and it is impossible for you to know and anticipate events.
    -5 Your surroundings do not decide who you will be personally and mentally, this is something you decide and you are the captain of the ship of your life for example
    -6 Be a good listener and maintain inner calm. If you are the type who waits for the end of the conversation to tell or say something similar, I advise you to listen and not apply everything you hear. You are not forced. It is possible to avoid bad things mentally, not by speaking or discussing.
    -7 There is always something inside you that wants the best for you. Don’t ignore it and take it seriously. Do relaxation and breathing exercises. The idea behind the subject is that you get to know yourself from the inside, not what is said about you. If you are still here I want to thank you for your important time ❤😊
    Good luck

  4. you have that motherly aura around you that makes a person feel extremely comfortable, filling the spot of a grandmother in my life…Keep going:)

  5. I try to follow the bible regarding love & ethics. Coming from a wicked family those concepts were not taught, but are available to learn.

  6. سوف اعمل على هذا وانا متاكد من تحقيقي لاشياء مريحة ومفيدة لي على المدى البعيد

  7. I’m 27 and here’s my tips:
    1. Be proud of you not arrogant but always count on the good thing you do.
    2. Trust your instinct even if it doesn’t make sense.
    3. You understand life only backward.
    4. Do not attach yourself to your age ( it does not matter. )
    5. Energy matters do everything with an abondance mindset.

  8. As a teenager I found this video so moving, you said everything beautifully. You opened my eyes to a lot and made me look at life differently. Your amazing❤

  9. Seek God
    Trust in God
    Surrender all of who you are to God
    Read His Word
    Turn away from sin
    You are who God says you are and Who He has created you to be

  10. 1. Live the moment don’t think a lot of what’s coming or what have already gone everything is written
    2. think before speak
    3 disgust with people older then you learn everyday
    4 go out of your comfort zone life is beautiful
    5 make always new friend but always put yourself before everyone and know that even friendships have standers
    6 don’t be scared to share your opinion or defend your self
    7 be kind and love the life don’t say negative thing and don’t seround your self with negative people

  11. I am 34 going 35 this year. Heres some advise to my 20 year old self.
    1. Things will work out there is no need to rush
    2. Be observant of people as well as your self, remember you are also in the process of discovering the world as well as your self
    3. Try try by all means not to say anything repair takes more time
    4. Try to see things from others people perspective

  12. I’m 23, 🇧🇷 I love your channel, thank you for everything, I will take these lessons to life

  13. Be curious, be active, cultivate healthy habits on a consistent basis, love your self and others, keep the present moment before you because that’s the youth of reality where you will never lose your youth❤

  14. I’m only 18 so I don’t have 7 advice but the thing I’d say to a younger sister, a younger girl that asks me a piece of advice is : this is your life, don’t make the center of it anyone else than you. The last thing you see when you go to sleep is your own eyelids, no one else’s so be the center of your life. It took me so long to stop putting other people as the main character of my own life, I often forgot myself to the point of being mean to others because I ended up seeing them as threats

  15. im not that old, actually i have 15 years old. But one thing ive learned on my life, is about living the moment and live being you, with who really likes how you are. Your crazy ideas, hobbys, the way you live your own life. Life is too short to not be you and sorround your self with who want and do the things you think are the best for you. I loved your video, Sandra.

  16. I’ve never met my grandma because she died before I was born, and my grandpa died when I was 3. Watching you feels as if I had a grandma, I wish I could ask her what advices would she give me.

  17. I don’t have 7 at the moment considering I’m only 17 lol but the main one I have is never let anyone tell you that your feelings are wrong or invalidate them. Feel them, understand them, learn from them, and accept them <3 learn about yourself <3

  18. Hello loveli . Question . I wonder if you have ever had depression, like real one .If so how did you overcome it. Would love to hear tips on that topic

  19. Thank you so much for advice,I hope one day I be a good person ,who can share kind and love to other people

  20. I have learned to pause before I react .. to respond .. makes lmy life easier and better . This is the advise that I would recomend .. sorry I didn’t learn it earlier.x

  21. Thank you so much Sandra for making this video and sharing it with the world, i have loved listening to your advice and will carry it forward wish you all the best!

  22. ‏Jesus in Islam ♥️is a servant and messenger of God. He and his mother Mary are mentioned many times in the Qur’an, and they have a great status in Islam. Try reading the Qur’an, and get your copy from the Muslim website.

  23. I will make it , I will make it happen . Thank you I started acting classes recently ! I will make it you are amazing

  24. Im so scared and overstimulated these days… Im scared about my future, im scared of the possibility of my dreams never becoming my reality, im scared of failing again, im scared of the possibility that i may make people who trusts me be disappointed.. im scared about a lot of stuff these days. I know what to do but im scared of not achieving them. Im studying for university entrance exam for the second time right now and im so scared of failing again. I hope i don’t, i hope i can win this time. I dont wanna make myself & my loved ones disappointed. This video really helped me realizing i can win if i dont stop once again so thank you so much ma’am 🥹💜 normally i dont comment like this but this comment section felt so safe:") i’ll sleep now and try again tomorrow and the day after that and so on… Because i gotta belive in myself right? 12:46 💜

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