The Most Shocking Celebrity Cousin Matches EVER on Finding Your Roots | Ancestry®

The Most Shocking Celebrity Cousin Matches EVER on Finding Your Roots | Ancestry®

For nine incredible seasons, guests on PBS’s Finding Your Roots have discovered jaw-dropping famous DNA cousins! Watch more amazing celebrity family discoveries here


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  1. Distant cousins, but how far will that go to make it really interesting? For example, through Geni I’ve found out that King Charles III of United Kingdom is my 16th cousin 4 times removed, blood relative when you go far enough backwards to the late 1300s, and then start coming back down, you end up going through lines of a Swedish King and royalty, who married into German royalty, who married into English royalty, down through Mary of Teck to the current Royal Family of UK.

    Cool to know, for sure, I’ll take it.

  2. What a great short video, Celebrity DNA Cousins! Everyone seemed surprised and happy when they turned the page!

  3. That’s the thing about being from the US! – you can be related to all sorts of people you’d never think of!

  4. Small world! This is amazing and exciting. I can’t imagine how excited these celebrities were to learn of this.

  5. As George Carlin said "it’s all one big club and we ain’t in it!" Like these people didn’t already know they are related

  6. I don’t know if it’s because of the reveal, but some of these you immediately see the resemblance (not just Bernie and Larry). So cool.

  7. I found out through that my DNA is related to blackjack Ketchum a train robber and. And Bonnie Parker. Can I have many generals and brigadier generals and all kinds of military that I’m related to.

  8. John Lithgow is too good for Earth. We will miss him when he’s gone and enjoy him while he’s around.

  9. Lithgow is a great man. He was doing a one man show in Jersey and I got to speak with him a bit after. Nicest guy on the planet and was there for hours just chatting with everyone.

  10. I’m sorry, Bernie Sanders and Larry David being cousins is the MOST shocking celebrity cousin match? Uh, I’m going to go with "Least Surprising."

  11. The human genome is so massive, I wouldn’t be surprised if everyone is somehow DNA-related to everyone…too bad we don’t all act like it.

  12. Can you believe these celebrity cousins?! If you could be related to any celebrity, who would it be and why?

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