40 Clever Ways to Reuse/Repurpose Everyday Items
Looking for ways to save money and reduce waste? Check out these 40 cheap and easy ways to reuse and repurpose everyday items in your home! Whether you’re into frugal living or just looking for creative ways to upcycle, these repurpose hacks will help you make the most of what you already have.
In this video:
– Craft room organization ideas
– Kitchen organization ideas
– Ways to save money on everyday household items
– Ways to use single items multiple ways
Visit my growing Repurpose Project playlist for more ideas:
For more tools and resources, visit my website: https://www.frugalcreativeliving.com.
So many brilliant ideas!! 🤗💕 Subscribed!! Excited to meet you! 🥰
Seriously? I wouldn’t use one of these ideas.
Great ideas. I’d suggest editing out the gaps before each idea ❤
Where have you been all my life?!?!!! ❤️❤️❤️
More great ideas!
You are so clever! Thank you
Thanks for teaching to economize. Young people are so wasteful. I already use 3/4 of what you just showed. But one never stops learning. When we do stop we start to die.
You use far too much plastic in your household….buy items in glass instead
Great ideas. I use egg cartons to store christmas decorations. I have small christmas balls that fit perfectly in them.
Also boxes from TicTac are perfect for bobby pins.
I am a boomer, I have used a lot of these over the years, but I did see some new ones as well. Great job!
Wow!!! Amazing!!!Thank you!
Imma gonna save this for later watching. 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Very cool ideas, thank you for sharing
Lovely idea, Pedagogic Worker here though, crinkle-toy for baby might end in suffocation with that bag, please do not hand it out without strict supervision at all times.
You’re amazing. Just amazing. ❤ Thank you so much for this video. 😊
Ha. Cheap 😉
These are some great ones. And they look good too. Top self🎉🎉
You are amazing,need to watch again . thank you🌹🙏🏾
This was great
Ooooh that corkboard cardboard one and the bottle micro green one stood out to me! I might try them out 😅
You are my hero! I’m waiting to get into senior housing and love the idea of using an old frame, putting a kitchen saying on it, then hang the appropriate utensil on it. How creative! You spark creativity in others. I see you crochet too. Will have to look thru old videos of yours.
I use my empty prescreption bottles to store my used sewing needles and thread scraps and when full I just toss in trash.
The charging station idea 💡
Super great ideas!!
That bed hack is really cool!
I save seeds from my fruit n veggies , after dried, in my old n medicine bottles
All ideas are cute.
Subscribed! And I don’t do that very easily. This channel has true value, and is so informative and upbeat! Thank-you!❤
I love the lids idea. Especially since part of the set goes missing like sock mates and silverware 😂
Where have you been all my life! What great ideas!
Don’t be a hoader… it has potential.
You’re beautiful.
Excellent presentation. Thank you. Great ideas.
I am a new subscriber, girl I LOVE all of your IDEAS, as I reuse stuff to get a new "life" out of them, my kids tease me about it and I don’t care. You are DEFINITELY my fav., have a blessed day and keep those ideas coming. 💖
How much cereal do you think a person uses?
YOURE WONDERFUL!! Great NEW ideas. Thanks.
WoW! I am SUBSCRIBING right now! THANK YOU!!!
Let me just be an echo to everybody else… these are so good!!!!!
So handy so cheap !
I loved your ideas
I invented the idea of having face cream in lentils boxes!! Also lips gloss. Everyone is shocked when seeing my travel bag with few lens boxes with everything you need. I also have a few in my purse.
These are easy, you never think of! What great ideas. First video. Following! Thank you❤❤❤
finally some real informational ideas
I appreciate the ways to avoid filling up a landfill with more glass and plastic.
Omg. The hairclip on the oven towel blew my mind! 🤯👌🙌
Very clever 🎉